Pvox Pro Spirit Box

by GamePoly Apps


not available

The PVOX Pro Sprit Box is a professional piece of equipment for paranormal investigators aka ghost hunters. PVOX Pro uses your mobile device's highly sensitive mobile's sensors which are believed to grant spirits or entities the ability to transform their communication into words by manipulating the environment such as Temperature, EMF, and light sourcesOur database or dictionary in the PVOX Pro App consist of 1200 built-in words.
The PVOX Pro has a built in log system, which you can click in to see and analyze the captures you made and what time they occurred.The Captures will be stored in your phone's memory, you can simply reset the log as pleased.
During use of the PVOX Pro Sprit Box App, the tool can trigger many words. Keep in mind that significant environment changes around the Device can trigger words from the database, what you are going to look for, is words which you can simply relate to, it could be an answer to a question you asked, or something in your in the environment which makes sense.